Jan 30, 2012 | Business skills, Public speaking
Does the idea of presenting to an audience make you Sweaty? Shaky? Want to run away? Scared beyond words? If you’re a naturally shy person, presenting to an audience will never be your first choice of ideal work task. But, at some point in your career, you may...
Dec 12, 2011 | Business skills, Networking
Trade shows, business shows, conventions, exhibitions. Whatever you want to call them, hiring a stand at this kind of industry event can be a huge benefit to your company. Over the years, I’ve attended many business shows, all laid on with the aim of gaining...
Dec 12, 2011 | Freelancing
Being laid up with a sprained ankle has given me time to reflect on my business. I’m just about to hit the two month anniversary of my new freelancing life and boy, has it been a steep learning curve. Two months ago, I thought I knew it all. I was thinking “I’ve...
Nov 18, 2011 | Business skills, Freelancing, Networking
Today, I was going to write about shyness and the freelancing world, but my Google-fu shows me that I’ve been beaten to it by Melissa Ek in an April article for Freelance Folder. I used to be very shy and, over the years, I ‘faked it to make it’ to the point where I...