Dec 20, 2021 | Business skills, Freelancing, holiday cheer, Wellbeing
What have you learned in 2021 and how on earth can you plan for 2022?! It’s Xmas Day this Saturday! Oyvey! Where has 2021 gone? How is the year 1992 almost 30 years ago?! What is time?! What is life?! Ahem, okay, so, it’s been an absolutely weird year,...
Nov 10, 2021 | Business skills, Freelancing, Women in business
I’ve just been on a Facebook Live with Marina Gask, founder of Audrey Online, all about becoming a freelancer and how to create your own freelance journey, that’s grounded in your own values and that will, long term, help you stay consistent and confident...
Dec 18, 2020 | Ethical business, Freelancing, Networking, Women in business
Have you thanked anyone for their support this year? Have you thanked yourself? I’ve been reflecting on 2020 for my business and for me. Some 2020 reflective thank yous: Thank you to all my incredible coaching clients. Women who have dug deep and had some...
Feb 4, 2020 | Business skills, Coaching, Freelancing
Now that I’m fully developing my business, helping women achieve positive change and bring joy and impact to their lives, I’m starting to see that it’s okay to go with my flow. What do I mean by flow? That peak time of working, when it just...
Dec 20, 2013 | Business skills, Ethical business, Freelancing, holiday cheer
The festive season always seems to be a time for reflection and looking back on the highs and lows of the previous year. This year, I say to hell with reflection, let’s start planning! Look forward to 2014 and make a New Year’s resolution for your business...
Aug 16, 2013 | Freelancing
When I thought about taking a proper break for the first time in nearly two years of freelancing, I hit a lot of questions: Will I lose work by taking a holiday? What if I get offered something great and I miss it because I’m on holiday? Should I keep up my...