Nov 10, 2021 | Business skills, Freelancing, Women in business
I’ve just been on a Facebook Live with Marina Gask, founder of Audrey Online, all about becoming a freelancer and how to create your own freelance journey, that’s grounded in your own values and that will, long term, help you stay consistent and confident...
Dec 18, 2020 | Ethical business, Freelancing, Networking, Women in business
Have you thanked anyone for their support this year? Have you thanked yourself? I’ve been reflecting on 2020 for my business and for me. Some 2020 reflective thank yous: Thank you to all my incredible coaching clients. Women who have dug deep and had some...
Jan 2, 2020 | Coaching, Women in business
What does your social media feed look like right now? If it’s anything like mine, it’s all about Veganuary / Dryanuary / Dietanuary or any variation of using the phrase ‘anuary!New Year, New You! Wow, this phrase is everywhere right now!Get healthy...
Jul 5, 2019 | Public speaking, Women in business
So you’ve been invited to talk, in public, to a group of people you’ve never met before and may never meet again, holy shit! Presenting in any setting can feel absolutely terrifying! Now, you can spend hours looking at Youtube videos on how to stand, what...
Jun 14, 2018 | Coaching, Women in business
Thinking about your future without looking into a great big abyss “Where do you see yourself in five years time?” Wow, this question sucks, big time. When you’re asked it in a job interview, you know they’re expecting “in a successful...