Apr 15, 2020 | Business skills, Public speaking
What a time to develop my business! It’s strange times indeed right now. A global pandemic, lockdowns, the whole planet moving to working from home practically overnight. You could drive yourself crazy, or just more anxious, by looking at the bigger picture too...
Jul 5, 2019 | Public speaking, Women in business
So you’ve been invited to talk, in public, to a group of people you’ve never met before and may never meet again, holy shit! Presenting in any setting can feel absolutely terrifying! Now, you can spend hours looking at Youtube videos on how to stand, what...
May 8, 2017 | Public speaking
Here’s a tip: DON’T HUG THE SCREEN! DON’T FEAR THE SCREEN! It really is just a screen, no matter the size, no matter how many of them are behind you when you present, it’s just an inanimate object. It’s not you. Let’s think about...
Oct 14, 2015 | Business skills, Public speaking
You might have noticed a lack of blogging from me this year. This has been partly due to lots of projects which is great, but it’s also due to me working through a Foundation Certificate in Coaching Skills. This training has been a real eye opener for me and I...
Jan 30, 2012 | Business skills, Public speaking
Does the idea of presenting to an audience make you Sweaty? Shaky? Want to run away? Scared beyond words? If you’re a naturally shy person, presenting to an audience will never be your first choice of ideal work task. But, at some point in your career, you may...