Summer Solstice is here

Yesterday was the longest day of the year and a great time to reflect on what you’ve accomplished in 2018 so far. Personally, I’ve had a pretty up and down 2018 so far, a few emergency situations, a fair bit of pushing myself to get things done. I was reflecting on the year so far the other day and, frankly, as we women often do, started to mentally beat myself up for all the things I hadn’t done.

Why are we so good at this? At listening to that inner voice that whispers “you haven’t done this, this or this, for shame!” And how do we start to drown that voice out by shouting out our achievements instead?

I say let’s go back to basics.

I’m alive and healthy.

I have a roof over my head and love in my life.

I can accomplish so much in 2018 from now on.

While I was moaning about what a rollercoaster of a year it had been so far, one’s husband piped up with “there’s still six months to go, let’s see what we can achieve for those six months.” Damn, I knew there were reasons I married him!

So, I’m alive and healthy, I have  roof over my head and love in my life. In the next six months, I will make myself a promise and uphold it – to listen to that negative self-talk less and build on the positive self-care more!

If you’re having doubts seeing the positives in your next six months, take your self-talk back to basics and build from there. We will revisit this when it’s the Winter Solstice (another time of great reflection and change) and see where we’ve got to by then. And have some more cake to celebrate every step we’ve made beyond the basics in another six months, no matter how small the step 🙂