When you’re really fed up with your job, your boss, your team, it can feel reaaallly easy to focus on everything and everyone you HATE!

But, if you want to avoid the cycle of jumping from one job to another and finding the same old stuff WRONG with the new job, you can pick apart that hate and start to figure out what you both hate AND love about your current job and past jobs. These reflections can help you break free of that cycle of ‘wrong’ jobs for you or even just staying stuck where you are.

Take some time and write down for yourself two lists. One for Love and one for Hate:

What did you love about your previous jobs (and your current job)?

What did you dislike, hate or feel uncomfortable with?

Think about:

  • your behaviours
  • others’ behaviours
  • styles of working
  • times of working
  • location of working
  • energy levels
  • others’ energy levels

Got your two lists down on paper or on screen?

Great! Now look them over and write down what aspects of your current role bring you the most satisfaction, and what aspects do you find unfulfilling?

Using these reflections, you can really get into whether you can overcome the unfulfilling/hateful aspects of your current job and change things where you are


use the Love/satisfaction aspects, behaviours, ways of working to really filter down the type of job you’re looking for. Really research companies, job descriptions, person specifications, dm those you know who work for the company (or have done in the past – LinkedIn is a wonder tool for help with this!) and ask them for a coffee/virtual chat so you can get a better feel for the job and the company before accepting a new job.

It’s your career journey so break free from the love/hate swing meter!

You can reflect on your love/hates as well as other aspects of your career journey with my new Career Clarity download – free when you join my Gold Stars crew.

This is also one of the tools we can use together when you coach with me. You can book a one-off career clarity coaching session with me today.