Dec 8, 2016 | writing skills
I’ve neglected this blog of late as life has taken over. However, my good intentions will hopefully continue into the new year with thoughts on writing and communications. So, kicking off with ruminations on the current state of the world. With so much change...
Jan 29, 2015 | Business skills
So, it’s true, I admit it, it’s a fair cop, I give. Last year, I didn’t really, truly, entirely keep to my own promise of regular blogging. I’m going to completely own my lack of shame here – I was busy! Life took over last year, my...
Feb 21, 2014 | Business skills, Copywriting and marketing
Let’s start with a fairytale Once upon a time, there was a girl called Cinders. Cinders always worked hard and thought herself practically perfect in every way. One night, Cinders found herself surrounded by boxes and boxes of brochures. Earlier that day, very...
Nov 11, 2012 | Copywriting and marketing
Taking a break from my writing today, I came across this on Copyblogger. Just keep going! As a writer with a very strong procrastination gene, this is a reminder that EVERYTHING I write is useful somehow, whether it’s to get me unstuck from...
Oct 4, 2012 | Copywriting and marketing
Okay, so I’ve ripped off a line from Field of Dreams, but here’s the thing. These days, life moves pretty fast (sorry, Ferris). People don’t have the time to try and figure out what your business is all about so you’ve got to make sure that the...