Apr 15, 2020 | Business skills, Public speaking
What a time to develop my business! It’s strange times indeed right now. A global pandemic, lockdowns, the whole planet moving to working from home practically overnight. You could drive yourself crazy, or just more anxious, by looking at the bigger picture too...
Jul 5, 2019 | Public speaking, Women in business
So you’ve been invited to talk, in public, to a group of people you’ve never met before and may never meet again, holy shit! Presenting in any setting can feel absolutely terrifying! Now, you can spend hours looking at Youtube videos on how to stand, what...
May 3, 2018 | Business skills, Coaching
Hi y’all! I’m sort of back to blogging, kinda, we’ll see. Fair warning, this post was written under the influence of crumpets and cake. I’m not known for my regular blogging, mainly as it’s not always a priority for me, there are so many...