A new journey for Susan B. Bentley

Hi y’all! I’m sort of back to blogging, kinda, we’ll see. Fair warning, this post was written under the influence of crumpets and cake. I’m not known for my regular blogging, mainly as it’s not always a priority for me, there are so many...

Tips for presenting for scaredycats

Here’s a tip: DON’T HUG THE SCREEN! DON’T FEAR THE SCREEN! It really is just a screen, no matter the size, no matter how many of them are behind you when you present, it’s just an inanimate object. It’s not you. Let’s think about...

Writing thoughts for these times

I’ve neglected this blog of late as life has taken over. However, my good intentions will hopefully continue into the new year with thoughts on writing and communications. So, kicking off with ruminations on the current state of the world. With so much change...