Mar 19, 2014 | Business skills, Copywriting and marketing
As a freelance writer and marketing bod, I get asked these questions on a regular basis: “Should I be on LinkedIn?” “Isn’t Twitter just for teenagers and celebrities?” “I don’t get Facebook, can you explain to me?” What...
Feb 21, 2014 | Business skills, Copywriting and marketing
Let’s start with a fairytale Once upon a time, there was a girl called Cinders. Cinders always worked hard and thought herself practically perfect in every way. One night, Cinders found herself surrounded by boxes and boxes of brochures. Earlier that day, very...
Feb 7, 2014 | Business skills, Copywriting and marketing
Your business has some great news or an event you want to publicise. Whether or not you agree that the newspaper industry is dying, the public need for news is bigger than ever. With streaming sites and constant updates, websites need more news content than your local...